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SynchroPhasor-based Automatic Real-time Control in a Nordic perspective

Date: Wednesday, May 26                              Time:

                                                                       Add to calendar: Panel7.ics

Name of the organizer: Salvatore D’Arco, Senior scientist


Organisation: SINTEF Energy Research, Norway

Short biography of the chair: Salvatore D’Arco received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II,” Naples, Italy, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. From 2006 to 2007, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA. In 2008, he joined ASML, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, as a Power Electronics Designer consultant, where he worked until 2010. From 2010 to 2012, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electric Power Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. In 2012, he joined SINTEF Energy Research where he currently works as a Senior Research Scientist. He is the author of more than 120 scientific papers and is the holder of one patent. His main research activities are related to control and analysis of power-electronic conversion systems for power system applications, including real-time simulation and rapid prototyping of converter control systems

Abstract: The panel will present results on applications of Synchrophasors for automatic control and protection obtained in Nordic cooperative projects. The panel will focus on WAMPACS and on the application of PMUs to improve the operation of the power system. The objective is to showcase research activities and development progress in the Nordic area.

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Panelist 1:

Name: Kjetil Uhlen

Organisation: NTNU, Norway

Title of presentation: Research on Wide area control and system protection at NTNU

Abstract: The role of System protection schemes is, as the words indicate, to protect the integrity of the power system as a whole. Many of these are essentially wide area control systems in the sense that remote measurements or indicators are communicated and used to initiate control actions such as shedding load or generation. As more system protection schemes are implemented (basically to secure system operation), they may themselves represent a risk if not properly coordinated. This presentation makes an introduction to the research on coordination and optimization of system protection schemes by utilizing synchrophasors information and model based methods. Other experiences and ongoing research on wide are control will be mentioned.

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Panelist 2:

Name: Professor Mehrdad Ghandhari

Organisation: KTH, Sweden

Title of presentation: Power system stability assessment based on PMU data

Abstract: This presentation gives a short summary of an on-going research project in which the application of PMU data to real-time monitoring of transient stability in Sweden is explored.

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Panelist 3:

Name: Mohammadreza Maddipour Farrokhifard

Organisation: General Electric Digital, USA

Title of presentation: PMU data anomaly detection, classification, and prediction using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Abstract: In this panel, challenges of implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for anomaly detection and classification from practical viewpoint will be presented. AI/ML techniques have been showing promising outcomes in PMU-based applications and specifically in bad data detection and mitigation, event detection, classification, and localization. This panel will mostly focus on the challenges of implementing such applications in offline and real-time PMU data analysis tools.

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Panelist 4:

Name: Salvatore D’Arco

Organisation: SINTEF, Norway

Title of presentation: A laboratory research platform for validating WAMPACS solutions

Abstract: Laboratory testing of WAMPACS could facilitate the transition from research to industrial development. The panel presentation will describe the research platform for WAMPACS in the National Smart Grid Laboratory, the capabilities offered and lesson learnt from the experience matured in the development and testing phase.

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Panelist 5:

Name: Knut Hornnes

Organisation: Statnett, Norway

Short biography: MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering from NTNU in 1983 and 1995 respectively. From 1984 to 2001 he worked at SINTEF Energy Research with optimization models and system analysis in Nordic and European power systems. The PhD thesis was focused on integration of market models and power flow models. From 2001 to 2011 he worked in Powel, now Volue, as consultant and developing of optimization models for hydropower. From 2011 he have worked at the Norwegian TSO Statnett with power system development and operation, both in Norway and in the Nordic synchronous system. He have also attended various work groups within Entso-E.

Title of presentation: Development and integration of PMU-based WAMPAC systems in Statnett


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