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About FNET/GridEye


FNET/GridEye Application Research

  • Event location triangulation and estimation of event size
  • Wide-area frequency and angle visualization and graphic display
  • Dynamic clustering from FNET/GridEye data (frequency and angle)
  • Inter-area oscillation mode identification
  • Post-disturbance scenario reconstruction
  • Line activity identification
  • Use FNET/GridEye data to verify system models used in simulations.
  • Adaptive under-frequency load shedding algorithm development using wide-area frequency information as inputs
  • Wide area FACTS, PSS/HVDC control and coordination using FNET/GridEye as inputs for damping inter-area oscillations
  • Monitoring DG impact on system operations, DG control
  • Trending and system response speed analysis of static frequency for all interconnections
  • Monitoring tool for Compliance of NERC frequency response requirements
  • ACE accuracy improvement with wide-area FNET/GridEye data
  • Study propagation of frequency disturbances as electromechanical waves travel in power systems
  • Analyze speed of travel from FNET/GridEye data and PSS/E simulations

Interested in hosting an FDR?

We are actively looking for FDR hosts, if you have a window with clear view of sky, Ethernet connection and are living in the area below, we are willing to offer you an FDR unit:

Contact Professor Yilu Liu ( if you would like to learn more.