The global green energy transformation is now and calls for accelerated electrification and targeted innovation – seen from Nordic and European TSO perspective
Date: Tuesday, May 25 Time: –
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Name and title of the speaker: Håkon Borgen
Organisation: Statnett, Norway
Biography of the speaker: Håkon Borgen is Executive Vice President Technology & Development, at Statnett SF, the Norwegian TSO. In 2019, he was appointed Chair of the Research, Development and Innovation Committee in ENTSO-E. Mr Borgen holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
This talk focuses on the need for targeted innovation to accelerate electrification of the energy sector. From a Norwegian and European perspectives the challenges and role of transmission system operators (TSOs) are presented. This includes an overview of the R&D road map set out by ENTSOE. New solutions are required to enable a smart and secure operation of the power grids. In view of this, the potential of wide area monitoring and control solutions is highlighted and exemplified.