The Experiences on the Applications of Synchronized Measurements in South America
Date: Wednesday, May 26 Time:
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Name of the organizer: Glauco Taranto
Organisation: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – COPE, Brazil
Short biography of the chair: Glauco N. Taranto obtained the B.Sc. degree from State University of Rio de Janeiro (1988), the M.Sc. degree from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1991), and the Ph.D. degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA (1994), all in Electrical Engineering with emphasis in power systems. In 2006 he was a visiting fellow in Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano, Milan, Italy. Dr. Taranto is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is the chair of the Power System Stability Subcommittee of the IEEE PES PSDP Technical Committee, and chair of the Task Force on “Integrating Relay Models in RMS Dynamic Simulations”. He was Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016-2020). Dr. Taranto was the general chair of four International Workshops on Synchrophasor Applications in Rio de Janeiro, 2012-2015. He was awarded by FAPERJ – Rio de Janeiro R&D Agency – as distinguished scientist of Rio de Janeiro State three times in the last decade. Dr. Taranto is member of the steering committee of the SGSMA conference and member of the technical program committee of PSCC.
Abstract: The panel, comprised with five panelists, will focus on real applications of synchronized measurements in power systems of four South American countries – Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. The applications range from simple enhanced monitoring of the system, to wide-area monitoring, protection and control (WAMPAC) of voltage, angle, and frequency stability assessment. The challenges of integration of different PMU suppliers “talking” to a single phasor data concentrator (PDC) will be exploited. Finally, the panel will present a laboratory setup to carry out reference tests for PMUs certification.
Panelist 1:
Name: Jaime Cristóbal Cepeda
Organisation: CENACE – The National System Operator, Quito, Ecuador
Title of presentation: Ecuadorian experiences in development and implementation of specialized applications using synchronized phasor measurement technology
Abstract: Currently, the operation of electric power systems experiences several technical challenges related to some pre-defined security constraints established to prevent the system from facing partial or total blackouts. In this new context, real time monitoring, protection and control of the power system plays a fundamental role as part of the processes of Control Centers. As this regards, the Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control System (WAMPAC) has been conceived for helping the operators to mitigate potentially harmful stress conditions in the system. In this context, the Ecuadorian ISO, CENACE, has undertaken a project to implement a WAMPAC infrastructure in Ecuador that facilitates the real time monitoring, supervision and control of the Ecuadorian National Interconnected System (SNI by its acronym in Spanish) with the usage of synchrophasor measurements. The WAMPAC has been configured, adapted and applied for monitoring and tackling possible issues related to steady-state angle stability, voltage stability, as well as oscillatory stability risks. This presentation focuses on sharing the Ecuadorian experiences on PSS tuning and the implementation of an Operator’s Training Environment using synchrophasor measurements and a real-time digital simulator, as part of the WAMPAC solutions
Panelist 2:
Name: Hector Andres Rodriguez Volskis
Organisation: ONS – The Brazilian Independent System Operator, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Title of presentation: Synchrophasor Measurement Systems in Brazil
Abstract: An overview of synchrophasors uses in the operation of the Brazilian interconnected Power System: the challenge of each utility be able to install PMUs from different suppliers by sending information to the same PDC – adjustments in IEEE C37.118 standard; requirements for the first system based purely on synchrophasor measurements for the Brazilian Independent System Operator (ONS) – CC-PMS (Control Center Phasor Measurement System); applications available for this system; characteristics and challenges for the upcoming years.
Panelist 3:
Name: Jorge Luis Cabrera Chirre
Organisation: COES SINAC, Peruvian System Operator – WAMS & DSA Specialist, Peru
Title of presentation: Phasor Measurement Pilot Project in Peru: Experiences and future proposals
Abstract: At the beginning of 2017, the Phasor Measurement Pilot Project began in Peru. Specified and deployed in that year, the development of applications based on phasor measurements with the aim of improving the capacity of dynamic analysis of the SEIN in our Control Center has been of interest. In addition to the ORGANON Dynamic Monitoring System, the WAMS System provides the ability to detect very low frequency, interarea, local oscillations and there is even a pilot project for monitoring Sub-synchronous Resonance. Thanks to the WAMS and DSA System, the CCO-COES operation has increased its response capacity in the analysis of dynamic real-time phenomena, as well as it has taken a preventive stance in situations that may put the SEIN at risk.
Panelist 4:
Name: Jose Eduardo da Rocha Alves Jr.
Organisation: CEPEL – Brazilian Electric Energy Research Center, Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Title of presentation: Experiences and recent achievements of Cepel, with focus on the Synchronous Phasor Measurement Laboratory (LabPMU)
Abstract: The presentation will bring experiences and recent achievements of Cepel, with focus on the Synchronous Phasor Measurement Laboratory (LabPMU). The lab carries out reference tests on PMUs and advanced research in synchrophasor systems, considering all the requirements and advantages of the technology and working with distinct utilities operating in the Brazilian Interconnected Power System. LabPMU main resources consist of a high precision reference test set for PMUs, an integrated environment created to test PMUs applications, comprising a real time simulator associated with a SCADA system ( SAGE, which is extensively used in Brazil), opening opportunities to develop new algorithms for WAMPAC visualization, test and simulation using synchrophasor data.